#6: My Podcast Plans In 2022

In 2022, I'm talking with at least 12 different founders on my podcast. I want to learn insights from their industry. I will also be discussing the problem they are solving and how. My goal is to develop a better understanding of the startup ecosystem in Japan. For the first guest, I talked with Eric Turner, the founder of JapanDev.

My top 3 takeaways from the interview with Eric:

  • Focus on testing the value and growth hypotheses of your business. Stop screwing around with shiny new tech.
  • Build what benefits your customers, not what you find easy.
  • Easiest marketing hack for developers: Build In Public. It's the most authentic way to connect with your customers.

You can find a more detailed breakdown of the episode in the following thread.

🗓 Create Systems For Your New Year Resolutions

It's important to stick with the resolutions you create. I learned that the best way is to create systems instead of end goals from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. I summarized how you can create systems for your goals in the following thread.

🦸 Framework For Your Personal Brand

In the following Twitter thread, Amanda describes a framework you can use to manage your personal brand.

Cheers! Have a productive day.
Prashant Anand (@primaprashant)