1 min read

My Tech Talk at PyCon APAC 2023

My Tech Talk at PyCon APAC 2023

I gave my first-ever in-person tech talk 🎤 at a conference at PyCon APAC 2023 on Friday, October 27th, titled AI for Efficient Routing of Customer Inquiries at Mercari.

I mostly talked about how we use AI in customer support operations at Mercari. If you're interested in using AI to improve customer support operations, you'll find this talk worthwhile!

I talked about the business problem of reducing the Transfer Rate that my team worked on a few quarters ago. In the talk, you'll learn about:

  1. Algorithms for routing customer inquiries to CS agents
  2. Understanding the business problem that is reducing the transfer rate and why it is important
  3. How to translate this business problem into an ML one
  4. Solving the ML problem using NLP and Python
  5. A/B test metrics and impact from the ML model

You can find the recorded video of the talk below. My talk starts at the timestamp 2:32:33, and it's a half-hour talk.

If you're looking for the slides that I used in the talk, you can find them in this GitHub repository, along with the proposal that I submitted for this talk.

Let me know if you have any feedback about the talk!